Cardio Kickbox / Cross Kick

Cardio Kickboxing Workout

What is a Cardio Kickboxing Workout / Cross Kick Workout?

A cardio kickboxing  workout is an amazing total body workout that tightens your butt, legs, arms and abs.  We are innovators for our fitness programs, and always strive to keep our classes top notch.  When you see cross kick or cardio kickboxing workouts, you will be doing cross training and tons of kicks and punches to give your body the best workout.  The classes are for beginner, intermediate and yes advanced fitness levels.  All classes are self paced and are geared to push you to your personal limits in a safe and fun environment.


What can I expect from classes?

Cross kick / cardio kickbox classes are a 800 calorie burning, stress relieving, energizing, waist slimming, thigh tightening, heavy bag pounding, strength developing, fun and exciting Kick Butt Workout!  Many people have lost upto 8 pounds in the first two weeks of training with kickboxing.  Our instructors are experts that will guide your every punch, kick, knee, lunge and squat.